Stair parameters

Hello! I am trying to add structural parameters to the stairs, so i can join them with the walls. Does anyone have an idea how to do it?

@szymon.wolak ,

we use sharedparameters (projectparameters) map the structural topics also the Pset (ifc) stuff…



Thank You for such a fast reply. It took me a while to process your answer. Which parameter type am I supposed to choose? Because non of them is the YES/No option for structural element. There are only parameters related to forces and its distributions plus the reinforcement.

@szymon.wolak ,

do have some pics to visualizese your issue ? how would you do it analog…



from the shared parameters i chose weight in structural discipline, then attached it to my stairs in parameter properties. It actually did work and made stairs as a structural object, but the very problem of mine, that i can not join walls with stairs was not fixed. Do You have any ideas why is that?