Solids from point cloud

Hi all,

I havn’t started any script for that yet but I was wondering if it is possible with Dynamo.

What I have:
A huge point cloud of 3 little elements (solids) repeated on a slab (hundreds of time). There is no order in the repetition, each element touches some others. The form of the solids is not rectangular. The rotation of the solids is not always the same. I have the location of the center of gravity of each element.

So, what I want to do:
Put the right solid, with the right rotation, at its place.

Do you think it is possible with Dynamo ?

Thanks for your replies

Here is one link I found that looks like it might be. Have you tried searching to see if there are other threads that might have something?

Best approach for Dynamo, anything is possible but even if it turns out to be impossible, it is only for now.

It should be a matter of using your center of gravity for each item to filter the surrounding points by a “distance to” then sorting the points rationally to create the shapes intended. You could use them to find a min / max to create a bounding box (depending on the shape) that you could then change to a solid.

Have you had a look at this post?

Thanks for your answers,

In fact, the point cloud give me only the top surface of the whole thing. So the problem is that I have not the whole pieces of solids in the point cloud. I only have a part of them. So the challenge would be to recognize solids by theses parts and place them.
I’ve already seen your links and search a lot on the internet but I don’t know if it would be helpfull to create a surface from the points. The aim is to know if the solids are well placed.

Can you provide a screenshot or data files so we can see exactly what you are up against?

I don’t have the files yet but it will be a point cloud of these things:

Yikes, breakwater chaos :open_mouth: So you are after an “Best align object to points” node… I have only ever used point cloud to point cloud alignment in separate software. ( This could work, but only for one block at a time in the wall )

What you could do is create an adaptive component, 3 point based, one on each leg, then filter the points in the cloud surface based on a 4 point approximated geometry ( 3 legs and the mid point, kind of a 3 sided pyrimid, as this could refine the selection geometry enough) to then place the adaptive component? It would be a mammoth effort but I have a feeling it is possible.

I would recommend doing a smaller test area first though.

Could you also define “well placed”?
Are you looking for gap %?
If so, you could compare a modelled optimum surface with the scanned one and get the volume difference… (different software, not dynamo though)

Hi @Ewan_Opie,
I will have a model of one solid in autocad 3D. Yes it’s exactly the “Best align object to points” node !
Yes I am looking for the gap % but the quality of the point cloud is really bad so I don’t know if it would be a good idea to compare it as it is.

Can you post a link for the cloud?