Solid is intersected check?


I am making a graph that helps me to verify headroom clearance for stairs.
I’ve seen a fair amount of posts about this topic but i struggle to find a proper solution for finding intersecting elements.

I have gotten my clearance solid at this point, and would like to find any elements intersecting with this solid.
How would i go about doing this, without querying all elements in the project (We have enormous projects so this won’t work).

I was thinking i could use the boundingbox of the stairs to generate a 3D view with a cropbox the size of the boundingbox, and then get all elements in that view and try them against the solid and then delete the view if no clashes were found, but i feel like this is not the most efficient way of going about this…

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Hello, have you tried to dig into Raybounce (then make the comparison on this sample of elements)


I actually recommend pushing this solid into Revit as a new family. This will allow creating something to run clash detection against both now and in the future.

There is also the Element.IntersectsSolid node in the BiMorph package.

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