Hi All, I try to check the head clearance for stairs, and let it show the different colors to
identify which solids are in the interference area. But I am having real difficulty in identifying an intersection geometry of stair. The attached image shows the script and as you will see I have the solid stairs but the Geometry DoesIntersect shows “false” even the stair run clearly in the interference area. I am new to Dynamo. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi there,
@Marcel_Rijsmus Thanks! That is a good solution.
But I want to try another way to check the clearance height on stair. I just don’t understand why it shows me one “false” even the stair run clearly in the interference area. Actually should be shown all “true”, because the stair runs and landing are all in the interference area(the blue solid). Also I try to check the beam and ceiling, and it works.
@Marcel_Rijsmus I’m not a fan of that other method. It only projects one point from te center of the riser to something like a beam or pipe that runs parallel to te run is missed. Great for an SD level set but I’d stop using it at DD when my consultants have populated the systems.
@kkitmax can you share your Revit file and script so I can test it Next week?
I also reccomend adding a Boundig box containment test to the stair shaft so you don’t have to manually select every element you want to test against.
its Dieters way, just posted a link to it. there is something in making it a solid.
Beams or pipes shouldnt be there i would say and comparing every tread is a thing too.
A solid per tread then?
@jacob.small Thanks for your recommend. I will give it a try.
attached file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-ChgiibsNQwRThDcDdaLUdvYW8
I use Solid.ByUnion node behind Surface.Thicken node. It’s working fine!!
Thanks for the help.