Solid.Difference operation failed. Unable to difference two Solids : INCONS_FACE -- inconsistent face-body relationships

Good evening everyone, I have a problem when I try to use the Solid.Difference tool between two solids

These are the nodes that generate the code:

On purpose I am extracting the boundingBox from these cuboids, converting them to polySurface and then using solid.ByjoinedSurfaces. I would need to convert polySurfaces to solids to simulate a similar situation where I’m having the same problem

When I simply connect the cuboids in the solid.Difference function this works perfectly for what I want:

Interestingly when I apply fillets to these solid.ByJoinedSurfaces they work the solid.Difference operation

testDifference.dyn (25.5 KB)

I’m sorry if I’m making a very basic mistake but I don’t have much experience with dynamo and I’ve been having this problem for a week and I have no idea where to look for the solution, if anyone has an idea of ​​how to proceed and can help me I would I will be very grateful

Hello @andraderenan951 and welcome to the forum, could solid repair work for you ?


Does this tool exist in the Dynamo version of Alias? Because I didn’t find it in my library, nor when searching in the menu

not sure i had tried in dynamo revit 2024 dont know Alias, probably its only for newer version, do you have polysurface.extractsolids node , it should work as wel

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Just for your information, you have to be on Alias 2024.0 or 2024.1 to have Solid.Repair available to you.