The title really says it all. I’m trying to model retaining walls that have different profiles for the footings and top of wall, so I’m using Solid.BySweep2Rails to sweep a cross section along the two profiles. It causes Civil 3D to crash every time, no matter if I’m running in Automatic or Manual mode. Any ideas?
Sweep each curve segment of the profiles along the guide curves then join them to create a solid at the end.
Hi @zachri.jensen
Possible to drop relevant dwg and dyn files?
@Kulkul - not very easily…there are a lot of other associated files as well. You can just try doing a basic sweep by rails and it should crash.
OK, so it works for a circle as the profile. But try some other type of closed polycurve. Here’s an example that crashes on my machine every time.
EDIT: this also crashes in Sandbox.
SweepByRails.dyn (17.9 KB)
Please report this issue here:
Done, here it is for tracking.
opened 02:50PM - 13 May 20 UTC
closed 03:19PM - 16 Jun 20 UTC
If this issue is with Dynamo for Revit, please post your issue on the [Dynamo fo… r Revit Issues page](
If this issue is **not** a bug report or improvement request, please check the [Dynamo forum](, and start a thread there to discuss your issue.
## Dynamo version
## Operating system
Windows 10
## What did you do?
I am trying to sweep a non-circular closed polycurve along two rails with Solid.BySweep2Rails.
## What did you expect to see?
I expected to see the polycurve sweep along the rails like it does with a circular profile.
![Circular profile](
## What did you see instead?
Dynamo crashes when using a polycurve as the profile.
![Rectangular profile](
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