Sketching multiple curves inside a filled region using dynamo


Just want to ask… is it possible to create a singe filled region instance from multiple sketch of shapes or curves derived from a nested list of points?

It is like sketching multiple shapes inside a filled region by the use of dynamo.

Thanks in advance

Hi @vbaac not sure do mean something here ?

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As long as all loops meet the requirements of sketches in Revit, you should be fine.

  1. All curve end points terminate at the start point of another curves
  2. No curves touch anywhere other than chained start/end points

arhhh yeah now i understand…:wink:

bros @sovitek @jacob.small ,

It was fixed by using the node FilledRegion.ByCurves+ by Spring package (as seen from @sovitek screenshot). At first I was using the OOTB node and it creates separate Filled Region instance for every curve in the list.

Thank you for the pointers from @jacob.small as well, I was able to solve the error which I did not notice was caused by over overlapping sides of the sketches.

Best Regards,