Hello Revit/Dynamo community
I have been assigned to research an issue which is…
Create or overwrite the parameter of a Revit element to show its corresponding sheet name/number.
Let’s say the client selects a column
in the Revit model; that column is in sheet-1
. When he selected, the sheet-1
should appear in the column property panel under a property named corresponding_sheet.
Is it possible to achieve?
Can I get the corresponding sheet name and write it to the element using dynamo?
You could woek your way through the sheets in order, and get the first sheet it appears in but its a slow process in Revit API. It would potentially appear in more than one view/sheet though.
it sounds doable… You could get all elements, check in what view its visible, check on what view the sheet is located, get sheet name and assign the name to a parameter in the column. EDIT: As Gavin suggested, approaching this the other way, from elements visible in view on sheet is way faster than what i suggested.
My first question though is: Why?
It sounds like a very error prone system if a sheet name changes/ view changes etc. What about a column thats visible in a plan view sheet and an elevation sheet, will you assign two sheet names?
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Easily done as Gavin mentioned. But can be slow on a large project. You’ll need two collections. - one of columns and one of views. You can speed things up a little by making sure you filter out views not on sheets.
To really make this work, you need to have it as an event driven program. For instance, you want it to update information on a save, before close, on a sync with central and before print. Otherwise, you run the risk of your data being outdated. Not a task for Dynamo.
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