Show Dynamo Version in title screen graphic?

Folks: Since Dynamo is constantly evolving, it would be helpful if the currently installed version could be shown on the opening screen, right? (…trying to paste in an image, here …)

Thank you

If you know your Revit version, you know the Dynamo version

Well, I am currently running Revit 2022.1.30.34 (per “Help” menu), but the Dynamo Version (per “About …”) is

Is there some sort of code in the Dynamo version that translates to the Revit version?

Mr. Marcel_R: Are you on the Development team, sir? It seems like showing the Version on the opening screen would be logical and simple - are you in a position to make that happen? If so, is it programmatically possible? If so, is it difficult, or would it be a simple and sensible addition to the interface? Thank you

I actually made a free tool recently to help with this (in the Revit ribbon though):

and I also have this list:


Hello, on this side you will not have it in the menu bar
but accessible via python and nodes

for the information in this case saw the post after Mr. Pierson

cordially christian.stan

I’ve seen some ideas of mine come to life though, sort of

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