Sheets encoding

TEST_DY.5_Encodage_Cartouche_ARK.dyn (112.6 KB)

Hello everyone,

I have a problem with my script. When I select one of these parameters (boxed in red on the picture (n°1)) and I run the script, the modification is not done.

What is the problem?

Another problem, I would like to run the routine as many times as I want without the window closing. I tried but I can’t… (n°2)

Thanks in advance

Could you post a screenshot of your graph?
You’ll find it much easier to get an answer when users dont have to download your graph to see what you made

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Thanks for the advice, here it is:

Repost your screenshot with all the node preview bubbles pinned. Otherwise we have no idea what’s actually going on in your graph.

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Hello @g.catalanoT5JGZ …do you have ironpython 2.7 package installed ?


this ?

Not sure but try install the latest one as should be 2.5 and not 2.1

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I did the update

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does it work ?

no… :s

hmmm…and you are sure the datashapes nodes is set to ironphyton 2…if you want you could share your dyn…then its probably easier to find out why :wink:

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I’ll check that… The script can be downloaded above:)

I have the same thing and it still doesn’t work …

Not sure then, i have just test your graph with one sheet and seems there are some output for me …does it work for you with one sheet, if it do its probably some lacing…

The encoding of the parameters works very well (in green). But when I want to check a visibility meter (in red), nothing changes in my cartridge …
If I just select a sheet, check a visibility setting, and start the routine, nothing happens.

Here is the script in more readable. Thank you

What does the error say now? It looks like the Data-Shapes node is working now, you just don’t have a parameter (or a value). It also looks like you’re using an element that isn’t the sheet.

No nothing happens… When I want to associate a visibility parameter (see 1 and 2 in red) with a sheet, nothing happens.

I have no idea what to do

In your post it looks like there is a null value coming out of the datashapes node which is why the parameter set by name node does not know what parameter to set.

Is this the output of the data shapes node even when you select an option in the inputs?