Shared Parameters into Family & Nested family

I have been attempting without success to create a dynamo file to perform the following function:


  • All Parameters need to be set as Instance / Non reporting
  • I cannot use type instance as I need the parameters to be editable via properties
  • Hoping to achieve this to avoid reloading families as I will then export sub-family’s out with a new naming convention.
  1. Specify a Directory for a wildcard search *.RFA Achieved

  2. Family (Main Family / Shared / Mother)
    Apply 3 shared parameters - Achieved

  3. All Nested Family in the family (Daughter / Sub Family) Cannot Achieve
    (If levels can be achieved even better i.e. Look into nested family for further nested families)
    Apply 5 Shared Parameters
    This is the part I am having trouble with as I cannot figure out a way to tell dynamo to look at the family’s within the Mother file.

Associate/connect to family parameter
(Until I can figure out how to make nested families work cannot progress)
3No parameters in the Mother Family so that the data carries through into the Nested instances

I have followed some of the workflow here but it only really addresses a single level of the family

Does anyone have some advice or could reference a similar application that has been shown to work?
