Is there a work-around to add the shared parameter - Family type?

I’m new to Dynamo so please excuse this potentially easily answered question. See my simplified example below of trying to add a shared parameter “Family type : Generic Annotations”, this current Orchid node( works fine for me with any other Type of Parameter. (ex: Length, Integer, ect.) I didn’t have luck searching for answers, so hopefully someone else has come across this before and is willing to help out the new guy. Thanks!!

Hello @witisu and welcome to the Dynamo forum ;)…

Make sure you are in family document and if you use Orchid i think you need this one here for familydocument…

Here is a link to Orchid samples…for info

Hi sovitek and thanks for the welcome!

Yes this is in a family, and uses the current orchid document node so unfortunately the node didn’t change anything…

However, I stumbled across the answer by happy accident! The nested family needs to be loaded before the FamilyType parameter can be added. Seems obvious now but it just didn’t occur to me yesterday.