Several startcol in an excel?

I creat list on dynamo an i use data.exportexcel

I have that :


I would like this

I don’t know how to make a space between the columns since we have only one statcol

I tried with two data.exportExcel but from what dynamo tells me this is not the solution, I wanted to create empty columns but if in the future I have information to put in these spaces it will be deleted so I turn in circles have you an idea

You could cycle through nulls to create empty cells. If you want to keep the data in the cells you first need to import that data and “rewrite” that back instead of nulls.

At least that is how I would do it :slight_smile:

Try inserting an empty string (meaning a string node with nothing in it, or a "" in a code block) at index 1 of each sublist.

As a single function in design script it’d be something like List.Insert(excelDataNeedingTheEmptyCell@L2<1>,"",1);