Hello everyone,
Summary :
For families management, I want to set values for paramaters across .rfa family files inside a given folder.
Inputs :
- folder path with variable number of families
- these families have variable numbers of types
- the parameters we went to set values for have already been injected (default null values)
- excel file with X columns : “family name” “family type” “param1_name” “param2_name” …
What works :
as a given example, I have 55 families and each of them has 2 parameters I want to set values for.
so I have my excel file with 4 columns"family name" “family type” “param1_name” “param2_name”.
from then, I compute lists like these :
- Family documents 1…55 cycled twice (110 terms)
- Family types 1…55 cycled twice (110 terms)
- param1_name (cycled x 55) & param2_name x 55 (110 terms)
- param1_values (55) & param2_values (55) (110 terms)
If we were to join and transmute, we would have a list of 110 x 4 terms "“family name” “family type” “param_name” “param_value”. So far so good.
But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to set up the parameter values from here. I went the Orchid way (thx @erfajo btw)
When I pass all lists to the SetParameter node, my Dynamo freezes.
From some other topics I figured maybe the FamilyDocument Input might not take list so I tried to List.Map that Input but that gives me the error "run this command inside a FamilyDocument
As far as things go, everything look good, for example if I take the first items of the lists, it is working.
So the issue seems to be on the replicating. I’ve also tried Combine and Lace without any success.
I guess I could go the other (python) way but that would be a last resort.
Anyone got an idea ? Thank you all very much for your time.