Setlocation nodes

Continuing the discussion from Springs.Element.SetLocation Not Working:

hello !! i recreate these workflow wondering to help me move elements to the correct position like walls with the information from a .csv but not being able too… any clue?

i have this model with the colors indicating it deviation but know i want to move each of it that is not correct to the right position.

Hi @vickykurlem,

The location input must be a curve and not a vector.

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i dont know why it shows me null on the yellow boxes… i need to move several walls on concordance with the information of the csv


You don’t use the rigth node.
Use the OOTB Element.GetLocation node or the Element LocationCurve of the Genius Loci package (and not the Mullion.LocationCurve node)

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i have just tried with both and the same error is coming up… any other suggestion?

Show the preview under the nodes, add a picture and copy paste the text of the error.

the error is in all the same: Advertencia: Error interno, informe: se está anulando la referencia a un no puntero.

You probably don’t select a wall.

mm yes it is…

It’ weird, I can’t reproduce this issue. Is it a stacked wall ?
Try with another wall Type or add a sample Revit file so I can try .

i will try this…
Using Dynamo to Adjust Wall Top Extension Distance to adjacent Ceiling height - Revit - Dynamo (