Set Space "Upper Limit" Built-in Parameter to Roof or Floor but not Ceiling

I apologize in advance. I am new to Dynamo.

I solely want to use the default nodes in Dynamo and not any add-ons to solve the following problem.

Suppose a building has an atrium and spans multiple levels with multiple rooms / spaces per level. I want the spaces for each level to be bound by the level above except for the atrium space; I want the atrium space to be bound by the roof level. How would I do this?

I essentially want to control each space’s upper limit to be a surface above the space but I do not want the space to be bound by a ceiling…a roof or floor would be okay.

Hello @jacob1 and welcome…isnt it just becoarse the ceiling have room bounding on ? guees more a revit thing…but if ceiling is in active model you could set parameter for bounding…if on link it need to be done there…but not 100 if it what you are after…or just set the upper limit to a level above maybe