"Set rotation" of a Revit model group

Hi everyone! new to Dynamo and in need of some assistance.

Trying to automatically convert a wierd shaped roof into some roof panels.

I Manage to place a model group containing a roof at the correct location along a curve, and which angle it should be rotated with, but can’t figure out how to?

It seem so easy when looking at youtube dealing with a “normal” family instance, but not when you want to rotate a roof or a model group…

@Hampus ,

can you show what should be the end result?

just rotated 3, but i think you get what i’m going for. They will overlap each other with the current model group, havn’t worried about that yet!

Don’t use a group for this. Use a family instead. Even if the geometry is static in the family you will get better performance by placing that and rotating it as needed (FamilyInstance.SetRotation) than you ever will with groups.

That was my first approach, but for some reason i wasn’t able to get the basic roof-family to be interpreted as a “family instance” by Dynamo?

What is a basic roof family? Did you mean a massing element?

No, just the ordinary roof you draw in Revit…

Each instance of a system type needs to be defined individually. But a massing family can be placed many times and each instance can then host a roof by surface.

Alternatively you can alter the sketch geometry and creat many roofs. How would you model this manually?

The group can be rotated.I have done this before.I need to rotate a entire floor which is group contains walls,floors,doors.
Here’s my video.

Could be one approach, but i will have almost 100 roofs and need that same amount of levels…

Aah, ok.

Well, i have all the points at every corner of the roof elements. Took one shot at creating roofs based on them, but it got above my beginner level knowledge… only managed to draw some lines an create the first roof, but not the following…

Now i’m finally trusted to upload! :wink:

FULL_DYNAMO.dyn (76.1 KB)
Full_Dynamo.rvt (564 KB)

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