Set parameter values in family editor


I am trying to fill in parameters of each index with values of the same index in the family editor.
The parameters are already imported into the family.

In an earlier post I found this data shapes node, called “Set Active Family Parameter By Name” but it is not working in my case.

I just get “Null(s)” as Outputs.

Does anyone have the solution to the problem?

Kind regards

At ParameterName there should one single Name like: “Name”, “Number”,“Lengh”,…

What do want to achive?

@Draxl_Andreas Every Index of the upper left node contains one Parameter Name and every Index of the lower left node contains its associated value. My intention is to add every value to its right parameter with one node (the right data shapes node). Is there any way to achive this in the family editor? Maybe another node instead of the date shapes node?

Kind regards

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# Phython-Standard- und DesignScript-Bibliotheken laden
import sys
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

# Die Eingaben für diesen Block werden in Form einer Liste in den IN-Variablen gespeichert.
dataEnteringNode = IN

a = IN[0]
b = IN[1]

OUT = zip(a,b)

i think it is sorting issue. Does Parameters match with the values.

Thank you @Draxl_Andreas for your quick replies!

Yes, if I run this Python script the sorting should be fine, isnt it? Every 0 at @L1 is the name and every 1 at @L2 is its associated value:

On the website of data shapes it says: “This node allows you to set a parameter inside an active family document”

Is this node just working with one parameter name and value?

Thanks for the help!