Set or Edit Work Plane of Structural Elements

We have a process when framing a structure to set the top of the floor as the work plane so when a slope floor changes the structural elements will change and rotate properly when updating the Levels.

I am in the process of automating placing structural elements (double tees) using dynamo. I can find my floor surface and transfer or place the points from the elements to the floor surface, thereby moving or placing the element at the floor and correct slope.

I cannot find a node that will allow to set the element work plane to the floor, so if there is a change to floor slope the elements change as well. I did not want to use Dynamo again for this process, when just changing the Level is all the user will be doing.

Thanks for any help. I am getting more efficient creating in Dynamo, but I do not know Python. I found this one thread that I think may help. Because of lack of Python knowledge, I am not sure how to edit to fit my problem. Set Work Plane