Selecting Corridor Regions

I am relatively new to civil 3D and Dynamos.
I am placing objects along my corridor. However, the spacing of the objects varies based on the geometry of the alignment. Inside the corridor I have created multiple regions based on Geometry, I wanted to know is there a way where in I can select a particular region and place objects only for that region?

Example : My alignment starts from 100 to 200, I have a block named x to be placed along the alignment/corridor. the spacing of block is 50 mm from station 100 to 120, it is 80 mm from 120 to 150 and so on.

This is the brief problem statement.
Thanks in advance!

Hi and welcome
Have you created any dynamo script that you can share with us to investigate? Then it will be much easier to help you from that point of view.

I have used this Dynamo Script :
But this will add objects throughout the corridor.

I hope this can help you

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Hi Thanks for the script! However this is placing the objects only at the starting chainage. In this case at 0. Not sure where I am going wrong.

I tried giving the station names manually, here also objects are being placed only at start station.