Selecting a railing type using Data shapes

Hey all,

wondering if someone here could help me out. I’m trying to use data shapes to create a list of railing types user can select from for input into Railing.ByPathTypeAndLevel from Clockwork. It works when using GetItemAtIndex and passing that for Railing Type input but not via Datashapes eventhough outputs are exactly the same?
There is a node by WombatDynamo for railing types but its buggy so trying a different way

Hi @rob.ostwald probably something here could help

Hi @sovitek,
thanks for your suggestion. I’ve modified my graph using the Element Classes but still getting a null when passing through the Data-Shapes form even-though the output is the same…?
apologies if there is a simple mistake I’m a beginner :slight_smile:

Don’t use the Datashapes stuff just yet. You need to get the railing creation working first.

Wire the all elements of class node into a code block of [a[i]]; as the a input, and a number slider as the i input. Use the slider to select one railing type wrapped in a list. This will simulate the result of the UI, so we can skip over all of that (set the run to false) and wire the code block into the railing creation node.

I don’t have that custom node in memory, but I can see your environment is corrupted partially (multiple out nodes from the railing types dropdown), which makes me think you may have an environment issue. Best to address any conflicting Revit add-ins or Dynamo customizations first. Any Revit add-in can have a conflicting dependency, my guess is it has to do with NewtonSoft JSON. Disable them all, and add them back in groups until you ID the source. For Dynamo customizations causing this it’s usually a sign that you have installed the wrong package version for your Dynamo instance, or that a package isn’t valid for this build of Dynamo. Double checking the Dynamo log and Revit journal can help.

Next make sure the content of the custom node is valid. My guess is the node is Python based - double click on it to edit it, copy the content to clipboard (ctrl a, ctrl c), close it, and paste the content into your original workspace. Wire the matching content from your current graph into the input nodes and you should be able to see any issues at play. Commonly they are ‘wrong data type’ (polycurve is suspicious here as the node asks for a list of curves by the look of it), and ‘wrong Python engine (install the correct IronPython2 package or change the Python nodes Python engine to one you have).

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Try set lading to longest in the clockwork railing node

Hey @sovitek that works thank you!
This is probably normal dynamo behavior but if i run the graph a second time without closing and select different rooms it will create a railing in the previous room as well even though its not selected? But works fine if i close and reopen to run graph on another room /railing type

Hey @jacob.small,
I was able to get it to work via creating a list and picking an item and passing that to the railing clockwork node. So that part was ok…My goal was to replace the Railing types node as it was buggy which is why i went with Datashapes. I think its resolved now. Thanks for your response

thats element binding, try run it from player