It is an UI question. I can use the xyz-coordinate node to select a point by entering numbers for inserting a family on the Revit xy-plane. Does Dynamo have a node I can pick a point manually on a Revit plan view?
That depends on the logic of you floor plan.
If my building grids were placed on a certain coordinate with a certain plan to it, it could be easy, even when it was rotated.
So what i mean to say is, do you have any sense of where your building is located relative to one of Revit’s built in coordinates systems? You would not need a new point in the model.
But if you don’t have that, you can always find the intersection of say grid a and grid 1 and go from there.
My intention is picking a point on the Revit plan view (ground level), then Dynamo will insert a generic family (a simple 2d line family on the xz-plane) to the point the user pick. It is more about the usability. It is a little easier than measuring and entering the xyz coordinate numbers. It is similar picking an element in Revit environment from Dynamo. I don’t know if it is possible simply picking a point.
I found Clockwork “Element.Location” can kind of do what I want to do. It is not ideal that I need to place a benchmark family on the xy-plane first.
Its in the Sastrugi package
It works! It pops up a reminder window when it is ready to pick a point on the plan view. The result coordinates are in a list. How can I getting the individual x, y, and z out as a number, not in a list?
Use the Point.X Point.Y and Point.Z nodes
The _Pick Points on Workplane gives me the point in a list. I tried the Point.X. It pulled out the x number but it is still under a list.
Those lists are a very good tool when you need to place a lot of components in Revit
I will need a number to multiply another list for the next step calculation. Multiplying two lists together doesn’t seems working.
Try X=S<1>*x
The <1> notation gives you the depth of what part of the list is used.
Try longest lacing on the * node
It will do it! The calculation will make a list to let the nodes insert the family multiple times. What does <1> mean in the equation?
<1> means take the first level of lists
<2> would mean take the items in a list of lists (nested list)
All this can be found in the Dynamo Primer and the Designscript language.
DesignScriptGuide.pdf (3.7 MB) DesignScriptDocumentation.pdf (705.5 KB)