Select Viewports upon button activation

Hey everyone, I made my own toolbar through pyRevit and Data Shapes.

However I want my button to directly Select Viewports rather than having the button activate the SelectModelElements Data node and getting the Viewports that way.


I suspect I will need to forfeit Dynamo and use a python script.

How can I get this done easily?

Hi @RevitRobot you can get all viewports with archilab get all viewporpts or Grumple have a node for that as well, both written in python

Yeah I guess I could go for all Viewports on the Active Sheetview

But I’d rather be able to press my toolbar button and jump straight to selecting viewports in Revit. Is that possible within Dynamo?

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arhh sorry i think about viewporttypes :wink: :wink:

Maybe this can help you?

Thank @john_pierson not me, run it in Ironpython

#Copyright(c) 2017, john pierson
# @60secondrevit,
#Thanks to Dimitar and Troy Gates for Guidance
#and this blog

import clr
import msvcrt
from Autodesk.Revit.UI import *
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
uidoc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentUIApplication.ActiveUIDocument
import Revit

TaskDialog.Show('Select your viewports!', 'In your Revit window, pick viewports in desired order then press the ESC key to finish.')
sel1 = uidoc.Selection
obt1 = Selection.ObjectType.Element

class CustomISelectionFilter(Selection.ISelectionFilter):
	def __init__(self, nom_categorie):
		self.nom_categorie = nom_categorie
	def AllowElement(self, e):
		if e.Category.Name == self.nom_categorie:
			return True
			return False
	def AllowReference(self, ref, point):
		return True

msg1 = 'In your Revit window, pick viewports in desired order then press the ESC key to finish.'
out1 = []
flag = True

while flag:
		el1 = doc.GetElement(sel1.PickObject(obt1, CustomISelectionFilter("Viewports"), msg1).ElementId)
		flag = False

OUT = out1


Wow this was so easy!

This is exactly what I needed.

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