i got to make dynamo which is to select wall and create automatically make custom curtain wall by dynamo.
and i found this code created by chat GPT but it doesn’t work at all.
can someone review its code?
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
import csv
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
def select_element_by_view(sender, args):
mouse_x = args.MousePoint.X
mouse_y = args.MousePoint.Y
collector = FilteredElementCollector(doc, doc.ActiveView.Id)
options = Options()
options.View = doc.ActiveView
result = collector.ToElementIdsAtPoint(XYZ(mouse_x, mouse_y, 0), options)
if result:
selected_element_id = result.FirstElementId
selected_element = doc.GetElement(selected_element_id)
# Define the path and filename for the output file
output_path = "C:\\Temp\\"
output_file = "selected_elements.csv"
output_file_path = output_path + output_file
# Create a list to store the element data
element_data = [[selected_element.Id.ToString(), selected_element.Name]]
# Write the element data to a CSV file
with open(output_file_path, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
print("Selected element data has been written to:", output_file_path)
except Exception as ex:
print("Error:", ex)
Hook up the event handler to the RevitPythonShell events