I am using Datashape to select the desired layer from a Cad file.
Is there a way to simplify layer selection (like a dropdown option). I want to assign each Cad layer to each Framing type (could be 2 or 3 types).
Thanks for anyhelp!
Hi @Ar.vxv do you have dynamoironpython 2.7 ver 2.5 installed ?
Hi! My current version: ironpython 2.7.3 for Dynamo 2.3.
which revit version is that ?
I haven’t updated Dynamo for a while. I using revit 2024.
i will try. By the way, I want to ask a question. when I searching node or package. My Dynamo responds very slowly. Is it because I loaded many packages that the loading speed became like that? Thanks
yes many package will slow that down, so my advice only have package installed we actuelly use
A last question. I am downloading 11 popular packages. I would like to refer to the quantity you are using.Thanks
almost the same i guess probably more, as i work in MEP i need some special package for get my workflows to work
or some python… as there isnt many ootb nodes for mep
I remember the beginning when I installed the latest version of dynamo. Searching response packages is also very slow. Do I need to delete packages from older versions?
no not older version, they have no connection to your current version
Do you know more about what can affect Dynamo’s response speed!?
yeah probably many things, dont think i am the right person for answer that, probably @jacob.small can give some more insight here…but think we are goin away from the original topic here
Response speed for what? I read that you’re searching for a package in package manager, but the replies are almost as if you’re searching for a node in the library…
Either way this is a new question for a new topic, as it’s quite unrelated to selecting a cad layer from a list. Please start a new topic and include a brief animation/screen recording showing what slowness you mean in relation to response speed, and we can work from that. This way others can find your topic rather than having something helpful hidden in a topic on cad layer selection.
Agree! If there are any more suggestions on the original topic, looking forward to receiving sharing from you。Thanks