Sections along a curved line

Hi all,

I am trying to create sections along a curved line which represents the centerline of a ramp-like structure.
In the attached image, I got all the min and max points to create a number of sections right next to each other to be placed on a sheet. But somehow I seem to be failing to correctly give a depth to the section view.
Attached are the sample Revit file and the dynamo file.

SampleCurves.rvt (1.5 MB)
Version: Revit 2021
CurvedSections_backup.dyn (52.4 KB)

Hi Shysnail,

Increase the y coordinate of the max point and try.
(you need to do trial and error to figure out which x,y,z component among them is controlling the depth and just increase that component).
i’ve done something similar in my script and it worked.

Atharva Purohit

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Thanks for the response. Well, increasing the any of the x, y, z components does not work for me.
Instead, I got the max point by offsetting the segmented line perpendicularly by a certain value (depth = 500) and that’s how I got the (x, y) for the Max Point. Z point was always constant (known) in my case.
Despite it all working theoretically, I could not get the desired result.

Anything I’m missing here?