Hi all,
I am new on dynamo and I am trying to write a script where it could hide all sections that were not in the same sheet of the plan view. Is that possible?
It is something like that, it’s an odd situation and I wanted to automatize the task of section hiding without using filters in view templates and guaranteeing that all the sections presented in plan view are in the same sheet of the plan view
hi if you dont wanna use filter, you could try something here…if i understand right
or probably do a categori override
Why would you not want to use a filter?
Overriding in view is not usually best practice.
yeahh @Alien agree much better for control but probably a categori on/off as show could work…depends…
Thanks, I will try that, I hope that works.
It’s an odd situation as I said, but for day-to-day cases I agree 100% with you