I am really happy to announce a new release of the Sastrugi package v 0.1.5
(Its been a long time coming, and will be the last for Dynamo 1.3)
I only now realise my v 0.1.4 release wasn’t posted here, check out the website for details:
Link for v 0.1.4
Included in this release is the first part of a collection of Pointcloud focused nodes.
This new section of the package allows interaction with graphics overrides, scan/region visibility, locations/transforms and point extraction. I have renamed my original node for selecting Pointcloud points, as well as including one that collects a sample number of points from the entire Pointcloud instance.
Also included is a node that uses basic Python RANSAC (Wiki-description) to detect planes and point-sets within Pointclouds. (This one did my head in a bit!
) This can be used to extract features within a cloud for creating geometry, such as floors, walls, ducts, columns and beams.
Node list
_Pointcloud Get Scans and Regions
_Pointcloud Get Transform and Scale
_Pointcloud RANSAC Plane Detection
_Pointcloud Select Points in View
_Pointcloud Sample Pointcloud
_Pointcloud Get Graphics Override Settings
_Pointcloud Graphics Override Settings By Elevation
_Pointcloud Graphics Override Settings By Fixed Color
_Pointcloud Graphics Override Settings By Intensity
_Pointcloud Graphics Override Settings By Normals
_Pointcloud Graphics Override Settings No-Override
_Pointcloud Graphics Override Settings Visibilty Hide
_Pointcloud Graphics Override Settings Visibility Show
_Pointcloud Reset Graphics Override
_Pointcloud Set Graphics Override
_Pointcloud Set Graphics Override for Scans
_Pointcloud Set Graphics Override for Regions
New examples for use of these nodes can be found below and on my website here: https://sites.google.com/view/sastrugi/examples
_Pointcloud Set Graphics Override for Scans - Visualizing Scan Locations
_Pointcloud RANSAC Plane Detection - Extracting Wall and Floor Points
I am looking forward to my first release for Dynamo 2.0