Sandbox lacks some nodes

Hi, I am learning Dynamo by using the Sandbox.
I am currently following some vids on the Fusion 360 official youtube channel.

In the vid(not sure the version, 3 years ago), the presenter is using Structure.WireGrid node and Curve.Pipe node to make the chair. But I can not find both in my Dynamo Sandbox(Version 2.13).

Is this because of the differentiation of the versions? Or does the sandbox itself lack some advanced node compared with the discontinued Dynamo Studio?

Forgive me the bad grammar, Thanks!

I think those nodes are from lunchbox package, which is no longer maintained for dynamo - I think there is a version published by another package maintainer somewhere floating around if you search - or you can grab an older version from the package manager.

You could also try using a Curve.ByIsoCurveOnSurface node, and then either use the TSpline nodes (need to enable these in your Dynamo preferences) or use a Circle node, a Geometry.Transform node, and a Solid.BySweep node to produce pretty much the same thing.

On the primer there’s a “for reference” version.