Running the "IFCINFRAEXPORTSELECTED" command in silentmode, possible?

Hi everyone,

Trying to create a graph that will generate automaticly seperate IFC files from my gravitary and pressure networks inside the Datashortcut project

But the only thing thats blocking me is that the export tool doesnt seem to have a silent mode (no user interaction) …

Anyone knows a work around ?

TIA for helping the braingstorming :slight_smile:

you can test sendCommand Node/ Camber.

Thanx for the suggestion, i learned something !
Unfortunatly it doesnt work

It send the command but since there’s a dialog box that opens with the command it doesnt work through

IfcInfra is currently in beta version. The next update, possibly in July, may include this function. I hope so. :slight_smile:

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Hopefully its going to be integrated in the update :slight_smile: