Run script for multiple inputs (dynamo)

Hello everyone,

I have a script that creates a simple truss and perform structural analysis and gets maxsimum stress in the structure as a result. I can run script for different height and record the outputs but I want to give the script for example 5 different height and get their result in one run. I can not use loopwhile for it because I only can last iteration’s result. Is there anyone who can help me about this subject ?

Hello, have you tried sending a list of your [5 different heights]


Yes I tried, didn’t work

does not work for your structural geometry?


What didn’t work about it?

It takes the list as each colum’s height.

Change the list level to level 1 for the h input. Likely easier with a point node instead of design script if you aren’t familiar with the language syntax.

You will likely also have to update the subsequent nodes to work with the correct list level and lacing combination. If you aren’t confident in making such changes I recommend reviewing the Dynamo Primer, or if you want a video explanation check out sessions 4, 5 and 6 of the Dynamo Office Hours series.


Thanks for your reply, I think it is solution of my problem but I have to change whole script again. Can you recommend any other way to reach same goal ?

That is likely the most effective method, and how Dynamo is best utilized. The good news is that this shouldn’t be too hard to build out - just need to properly configure the list levels and lacing and you’re good to go.


here is a line of study but the end of the script is badly managed I still have to work on the crushing of the list
here is script just in case
20 Avril Forum anglais treillis.dyn (74.1 KB)
edit: reworked end script
20 Avril Forum anglais treillis_rework.dyn (59.0 KB)


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Thank you for your help and time christian.stan. I wish you health days.