Rotating Reference Plane in Dynamo

Hello everyone,
Is there any way to rotate a Reference plane inside Dynamo? I ahve tested the inbuild nodes. It seems to be inpossible with those nodes.
I have seen a post in Forum and there sombody suggest to create a dynamo plane with points and transform that dynamo plane to a Revit Refrence plane. But how would you do If you have a reference plane from Revit or from a Revit family that you need to work with?
Any package that has this necessary ability?

thnx SØREN :slight_smile:


I think you talk about me ??? :wink: then i just will say rightover :wink:

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Setrotation node doesn’t work in the Dynamo 2.16. A bug in this version maybe?

You are using the wrong node
A reference plane is not a Family Instance

I think the node you are using is coming from a package since Dynamo has no inbuild Node with name “Element SetRotation”. Could you please tell us wich package the node comes from? :slight_smile:

I have tested “Element SetRotation” in both Dynamo 2.3 and Dynamo 2.16.
The node can not rotate a Reference Plane. It returns null and Reference plane is still at the same position.