Rotate rings in parallel line by Dynamo

Dear friends
I have to create some rings like Tunnel Rings and keep them beside eachother to make a path of tunnel but rings have no parallel sides and one side is with an angle of 0.29 degree in to other side when I copy the rings the first side of the second rings adjusts with a gap and have the angle to the second side of the first ring but I want them to stick together without any gap and angle.
would you tell me how to do that.

Can you show a diagram or example of what you’re after? Your explanation is a little unclear at the moment. Show us what you have and what you want and we can probably help.

If I’m reading this correctly, each ring segment is meant to be angled for curvature, but following a curved path would naturally lead to either overlap in ring sections, gaps between ring sections, or both.

It seems like what you want is for the ring geometry to either trim or extend so that the complete shape has no gaps or overlapping geometry? So instead of cylinders with a parallel top/bottom you’re actually looking something more like a slinky.


the problem is each ring has 7 different shaped segments without any equak dimenssion. when stick them tigether to become a ring the width of the ring is 1800mm on one side and 1850 mm on the other side of the ring I mean the ring has no parallel and equal width (sides). I will show you some photos of cad 2d and revit. the different dimenssion for these segments is because when there is a curve on the road the tunnel will turn by sticking the small part to each other.

here is the 3d