Rotate Model elements to be Normal to Curve

Hi Mostafa,

Thanks for the answer. I tried it and it worked…almost. The normals/planes/coordinate systems along the curve flip and cause the orientation of the components to flip. I solved this by not using an adaptive component or structural beam but by extruding a curve as a solid using a distance and direction. (I tried the solid loft node but it broke citing orientation issues).

Is there a way to unify the normals? Why are they flipping?

I’ve attached the definition and image of the resulting revit file…the brown is the structural framing and the yellow is the adaptive component you can see where the flip happens.

The background of the definition shows the coordinate systems…flipping.

I’ve also attached the workaround of extruding a curve as a solid.

Here is a couple of videos that might be helpful in explaination: