Rotate adaptiv family around inclined z-axis at point on polyline

i work with Revit 2019 and Dynamo 1.3.
i try to placed adaptiv families on a 3d polyline.
The family has two parameters with which I can rotate the family around the x axis and the z axis.

The rotation around the x-axis works, but the rotation around the inclined z axis is inaccurate or wrong.

I think its because i try to calculate the angle between the corrdinatesystem (y) in the family with the declined coordinatesystem (y).

Any idea how i can solve this problem?

coords.xls (90.5 KB)
box_adaptiv.rfa (776 KB)
adaptiv_component_forum_2.dyn (68.7 KB)

i get a better results if i pull the vector onto the xy-plane and calculate the angle, bute there is still a inaccuracy

Well…i think i found my mistake:
After i calculated the angle i subtract 360° with the angle…
Without the subtraction i get a good placement of the family.

Or is this result just coincidence? If you try to rotate families more the 5hours…things get mixed up in your head;)

Ok…this wasen’t the final solution.
With new axis data I get clearly wrong results.
The strange thing is that the elements are placed worse with increasing distance from the beginning.

The greater the difference between the project coordinate system and the positioning coordinate system, the greater the error.
The best results are obtained by pulling the vector of the Y-axis onto the placement plane:

new axis data:
coords_2.xls (90.5 KB)
box_adaptiv.rfa (776 KB)
Rotation_forum_2.dyn (43.9 KB)

Any help would be great…

@ Vikram_Subbaiah
You could answer some questions in the forum on this topic. Do you have any idea how I could solve this problem?

Hi @Fiesta
Did you find a Solution? I have exactly the same problem.

@Cagatay ,

can you use a adaptive Family with two points ?

so the direction will be embeded ?



Shure, you can build a adaptive family with 2 Points.
Create one an place a reference line on these 2 points.
Now place a circle on the end of the reference line.
Create now an extrution (reference line and circle combined)