I have already done room tags but there name and number is incorrect.
Linked a cad file with lay on for Text and number, then full explode in revit.
is it possible to catch those CAD room names and numbers, which can be filled under Identity data parameter, Number as HM-51018 and Name: OFFICE INVENTOR Y
Manually to do there are around 7000room tags to be filled.
I tried to do it in dynamo but it didn’t work. Can anyone get some logic on it?
Have the rooms placed.
Get the location points of the imported texts and the text itself and draw a vertical line from the points, see it it intersects the roomboundary.
now connect the text to the roomnumber/roomname
1.I need to make X,Y coordinates of those texts. (it is in mtext format)
2. In dynamo i will import the csv file, make a vertical line/ z-axis on those points.
you said you did a full explode.
that means that your texts are already in revit
element,location will give you the coordinates
draw a line from that point
as texts in revit are 2d items (annotaion) there is no Z-axis needed
you do need the view its in