Room tag / label

I am trying to automate the room label. I need following levels of a room
-Grey Structure Roof Bottom ( x pending )
-Finish Roof Bottom (done )
-Finish Floor Top ( done )
-Grey Structure Floor Top (y pending )

So far I am able to get finish levels of roof and floor, but the grey structure level ( marked x and y) is the problem.

In our model there are two issues, floor sub-structure is made of separate floor elements due to calculation protocols (same with walls). So the wooden flooring and concrete filling are two separate floor elements ( marked 1 and 2 ). Second, there are rooms that have joining edge of two different floor thicknessess. ( lets say on top its one level, but one floor is 50 cm and other is 40 cm ) And I need to get the top layer level of grey structure.
Any idea how to navigate ?


that seems a Raybounce-Topic. Search Datashapes packages. You can extract these values in a 3D view where just your slabs visible that you need to get the value

Thank you Draxl. The plugin looks interesting. I am looking for something within Dynamo. As I understood, I have to buy that plugin. I am sure, dynamo has capability to do the task without me buying extra plug in.

I was wondering if I can solve it with nearest-level.

Hello @hassan.orion …you need to open your node “number to rounded string” and edit the input or use similar from spring or datashapes…in your first error are you sure its a double parameter, try feed in there as string as well.

PS Datashapes is a free package

Hi Sovitek,

’ Number to Rounded String’ is from Data Shapes. Maybe you could guide me why is it still Red ? I tried to change input to var only, still its yellow.

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just write number instead of Number and save

Thanks a bunch. At least the error is gone :slight_smile:

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hey guys, I am just uploading a picto to understand the condition of the problem, I have already been experimenting with RayBounce. As far as I understand, it should work like this. I have no luck so far.Maybe I havent understood how LinkElements works.

My general method is I select each RoomReference and run the graph.

Any example of RayBounce would be great. I saw other pages of Raybounce on this Forum, it is still not clear.

I am getting stuck at this step. vectors are bouncing on the same level. I was expecting that it would hit the level below if I increase the bounce.