Room.CoreBoundary - too much curves

I have a problem with script.
I am trying to make a plaster finish of rooms in apartments using a script. I insert the room and run the script:

by area there should be 4 curves but the script reads 6:

the script creates 3 collinear trim elements after the run is complete.
The question is, is there any possibility to combine them into one element or for the script to read one curvature instead of 3?

Any idea? :slight_smile:

Hi @krzysztof.nowakFWCRN yes thats the way revit do it…but you could try something here

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Okay! Looks great, which packed are you using?
I have only:


Can you send here .dyn with your version of script? I can`t find that node :confused:

Im not at my pc right now ….probably it was sparrow…im back again In a hour and then i Can send you😀

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Yeah it was Sparrow :smiley: Big thx, works very well for me!!

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One more question :frowning:

my script creates several curved faces, each with a proper offset. After using “simplify” the connections in the corners are wrong, do you know what could be the reason?

Only first one is correct

Without simplify works well :confused:

Hi @krzysztof.nowakFWCRN try offset your closed polycurve not the curves


Hi krzysztof i mean something here

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It works!

I owe you a beer!! :slight_smile:

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beer :wink: sounds good :wink:

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