Rhythm - Set Viewport Title Location error

I am trying to use the Rhythm Viewport.SetViewTitleLocation node, and get this error:

Warning: Viewport.SetViewTitleLocation expects argument type(s) (Revit.Elements.Element, Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point), but was called with (Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point, Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point).

Does anyone know what I should be feeding into the ‘location’ input so that it understands where I want to move the view title?

It sounds like you are providing the existing viewports location instead of the element itself for the ‘viewport’ input.

Worth also noting that viewport title API is not available until Revit 2022 also so it might be that if you’re in an earlier build.


Ah, man so easy, just a crossed wire. Thank you Gavin.

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