I starting with a, maybe, old problem. I select a floor by “Select Model Element” and want to export this floor in a .SAT File for our CNC-Machine. I get an error with the “Element.Geometry” Node. I saw I’m not the only one with this problem but still couldn’t find an answer. Is it possible to convert a floor Systemfamily into a solid?
It does not depend on the geometry I think it is just the type floor… I’m using Revit 2017.2. Here are the examples:xxx.dyn (9.3 KB) Projekt_Floor.rvt (1.6 MB)
import clr
import Revit
OUT = [UnwrapElement(i).ToProtoType(True) for i in IN[0]]
at second geometry floor you catch this error Traceback (most recent call last):
** File “”, line 6, in ** StandardError: Unable to trim surface as the input loop geometry could be illegal
hm, it works with simple geometry but I still have problems with curves like you… Is there no way to convert a floor element into a “dynamo” solid. Maybe I should try this with C# and not with Dynamo. I need to export this complex floor geometry into single dxf oder .sat files for the CNC machine… maybe I should group them first and then save the group as .rvt and then export as dxf… but I think those are to many steps between. I’ll think about this over the weekend. Thanks for your support so far.
I’ve found that exporting a SAT file of the element then importing the geometry into dynamo always works. You can create a new 3D view of the isolated selected object, export to SAT, import the geometry back into dynamo, delete the view and the SAT file you created and perform whatever operation you need all in one hit.