Revit 2016 - Dynamo Element.Geometry Problem


does anyone has a problem with Element.Geometry node in Revit 2016? I can’t turn the revit element to dynamo geometry - only null as result.

Revit 2016 Build: 16.0.428.0


Regards, Milorad

Hi Milorad. Mine works fine but sometimes if I accidentally select other elements, like an elevation tag, it will fail. Are you sure you are only selecting the intended items?

I have also had this problem, I had to write a script in Python

it doesn’n work with select all element of wall categorie too

difficult to understand what the problem is without seeing your file and your Revit

in this new Forum Interface i don’t see the upload button!?

yep. its happening to me now. Trying to select an in-place mass

Is anyone Facing the same issue as op…is there a resolution around this problem yet? could someone point towards if there is .

Have the same problem with some elements. For me a solution is to isolate the element in Revit, export a SAT file and then load the SAT with dynamo ( Geometry.ImportFromSAT )

Hi, I have the same problem with Floors. I’m actually trying to export the top surface of a floor to SAT. I’m getting a null return for my Element.Geometry. The floors have been modified by adjusting their Z values for each vertex, however, some floors do return a geometry and the Dynamo graph works.

A bit of background as to what I’m trying to achieve - the floors represent streetscape for a (hilly) city centre development. We’ve adjusted the floors (which slope away from the building) down to the top of kerbs, whilst providing level access across door threseholds. This was a painful, tedious process. Now after further design development the road alignments have changed, making the footpaths wider in some cases. Rather than remodelling every foothpath again I want to export individual Floors and edit them in Civil3D with the new road alignments, retaining the existing building edges to the floors. Thus, I can then create a 3D Polyline in Civil3D for the Floor boundary, from which I can create a XYZ CSV file with 0 heights and a XYZ CSV with the actual heights for each vertex. I then create new Floors in Revit using the first CSV and then apply the second CSV. This Floor creation works (I have a separate graph for this).

I’ve uploaded an example floor that replicates the error and the simple Graph.

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Dynamo Core
Revit 2016 Build 16.0.490.0
Windows 7 Pro. x64.

ESJ_OPE_NULL_GEOMETRY_170117.rvt (1.3 MB)
ESJ-OPE-ExportFloorToSAT-dev.dyn (5.4 KB)

Hello mr @Khasan_Mamaev is there any way to have your script for this node? I have the same problem…

Hi, what’s the problem?