So I am new to dynamo, so super basic question. Want a want to do is find the location/coordinates of a bunch of door in the my model. Found the FamilyInstance.Location component and it looks like it takes an input of a Revit.Element.FamilyInstance but don’t see a way to create one. I thought may maybe I could use the Family Types component to search for instances but that doesn’t seem to work.
Awesome. Thanks. But were did you find the “Get Family Instance By Type” Component. I assumed it would be with the Family Instance category, but couldn’t find anything. Nothing under Family either.
Are you using the latest build 6.3?
In the latest version it doesn´t appear. aggh!! I can´t obtain the door´s family coordenates.
This should do the trick nowadays:
Element.Location is part of the Clockwork package by the way.