Family to dynamo

I am new to dynamo and I would like to input the doors family which is not even unloaded in revit to dynamo. I used Categories nodes and all elements of category it only show the loaded one in revit. I want all the doors in properties to dynamo.
Without packages and python please.

Not quite clear on the desired outcome.
The Categories > All Elements by Category will return the doors placed in the project. It does not give you families loaded in the project. Nor does it give you any families sitting out on your hard drive or network. If you want a node to get the loaded families, try the Clockworks All Families of Category.

Fastest way to get the types is in python with:
But probably beyond where you are right now.

import clr
import sys

import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager 


import Autodesk 
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from Autodesk.Revit.UI import *

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

myDoors = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors).WhereElementIsElementType().ToElements()
OUT = myDoors

Getting files on your network is much more involved.

To add to Aaron’s comment, Dynamo only has access to the Revit file you opened it with unless you supply specific documents for it to read. You either need to load the family into Revit or point Dynamo to the family files to access directly.

It’s also not fair to require no packages or python since not everything is available in Dynamo ootb. It may be impossible without the API. Not to mention this forum is not for requesting other people do your work for you. You need to make an attempt at solving your own problems and showing us what work you’ve done so we can help answer your questions.


Thank you Aaron

All elements of category will only get you elements placed in the model. You could do something like All Elements of Type (FamilySymbol), which will get all family types in the project, placed or unplaced. You can then set up a filter for a category (Doors), then get the family of the family type, then get unique items.