Revit and "space planning" | List.OfRepeatedItem fails

List.OfRepeatedItem fails

We are trying to rebuild the space planning script of " @kyle_martin_Gensler ". However, we run into the below 1st warning? Does anyone have a solution for this?

Source data attached.
Goal is wider dissemination of space planning scripts.

Fig. 2

Fig. 1

Source data:
202101_BGD_XX_ZZ_M3_A_0036_Huis.rvt (5.2 MB)
202101_BGD_XX_ZZ_M3_A_0037_Space-planning.dyn (299.8 KB) (v13 version Autodesk Construction Cloud)

Thanks in advance.

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You’ve not plugged anything into the list.count node


@j.boonen - the @-mention worked, I’ve been paged! Here is a screenshot from the original script, looks like you need to plug the output of List.Transpose into the List.Count then the yellow should go away and you’re off to troubleshooting the remainder of the script.

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