I hope I have this in the correct place. I’m working with another user who has Revit 2024 when launching Revit they recieve the error message attached.
Not super sure where to go after trying to update and install Dynamo Core on the station, this is a new error for this user.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Disable all your other addins. One of them is causing the conflict here.
Once all are disabled (make sure you catch them all - some like to be in non-standard locations) start up Revit and launch GD. If it works you know one of them the add-ins was at fault. Enable them via binary search doing a restart after each addition until you find out which one. Then update the offending add-in.
Hi Jacob,
Thank you for the response, come to find out I’m an idiot and had to completly scoure my users station to remove everything Revit again and fixing the dynamo issue but then causing an issue with the CollabrativDB library file which I just .old out to fix.
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