Revit 2024.2 / Dynamo 2.19 - Inputs not showing in Player

Since updating to Dynamo 2.19 we have a graph (created in 2.17) where the inputs won’t show up. The Player dialogue even says inputs are missing yet I can’t put them in. Any ideas?

Sorry to bump my own thread but I’ve now discovered this issue across more graphs where this is an issue. It seems to be constrained to the “String” node. If the graph only contains String as an input node type then no inputs show up. When I add another input node (integer slider etc.) then all of the string inputs appear in player as well.

Is this a bug that anyone else has encountered?

Edit: it’s actually most input types for me. I happened across the integer slider is the one node input type that fixes the issue for me.

This is the same graph - only difference is the first screen shot it has an integer slider input. All other input nodes are the same inside the graph.

FYI @Bzz

Maybe not the same problem, but I had the same “Inputs not showing” message until I specified an output node explicitly.

Hello Michael,
I also have the same problem, Inputs not showing in Player.

I tried looking for some solutions on various forums, but unfortunately without success.

So, to solve my problem, I had to install the previous version, being REVIT 2024.1 and Dynamo 2.18. Resolved.

If anyone can help, I’d appreciate it.

But anyway, I’ll use the previous version of Dynamo/REVIT 2024

Hi all,
Yes, this is a known bug that made it into Dynamo 2.19. As @Michael_Dunn1 discovered, it occurs if you have a graph with no outputs and no slider or boolean toggle inputs. You can work around the issue by adding a dummy watch node set as output to your graph. We’re working on putting out a fix!


In case it matters, I wanted to add that we have this happening on a script where the input is a File Path node and it has an output - writing to an Excel. Not sure if that counts for when you mention ‘outputs’? Just want to add to the case.
(We did the same thing to work with it - reverted back to R2024.1 and 2.18).

In this case not necessarily. A output node in this context is a node which has been marked as an output - right click on the node and mark ‘is output’ to trigger this status.

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In your case where the input is a file path you could install the crumple package (Which is open source / extractable to avoid dependancies in your graph) and use the “UI.Pather” node.

doing this means that when the script is run the user will be prompted with an interface to select the file instead of copy pasting it into the input node?

Hi Jacob.
Good to know - thanks!

I checked out the UI.Pather node. Although I am currently able to browse to an output file with the FilePath node while using the Dynamo Player, the UI.Pather helps by reducing steps - the user can just run the script and is prompted to browse to a file, rather than needing to go to Edit Inputs for the script, in the Player, to browse to a file. This saves a step. Thanks!