Hello folks!
I cannot seem to be able to launch dynamo 1.0 in Revit 2017.
Have the file both in my User/Roaming and ProgrammData/RevitAddin directories; yet i get a message: Failed to initialize the add-in:Dynamo for Revit bacause the assembly@C:/Users/Name/AppData/Roaming/Auto…/DynamoRevit/1.0/Re…/DynamoRevitVersionSelector.dll does not exist…
Any clues?
THanks in advance for your brains!!!
Captain Obvious warning!!
[File dll is in my Roaming directory]
@i.tzivanidis Have you already tried to uninstall Dynamo completely (from the Control Panel) and performed a clean install?
If you haven’t, I’d suggest you do so.
Yes tried that already.
Would expect something is not read properly from the file structure i downloaded from the website… Tried sevveral things.
Do you know at least how to connect a script in Dynamo studio to a revit project to execute?