Reset just Projection line pattern override?

Hi guys,

so apparently i already have multiple line pattern overrides in different views and just realize that the solid line pattern is not listed in the linepattern collector, the question is is there a way to reset just the projection line pattern element(back to Solid) without affecting the other overrides (like patterns, and colors)…Thanks in advance.

Can you give some more context to the image on the right?


*Attempts to grab 2,438,323 elements out of the Revit database by ID, filter by object types equaling line styles, and checking the name…*

Yeah I don’t see it there… I did dig into this a few years back but don’t recall finding a solution.

After looking through this topic and code (Help Retrieving Object Styles Line Patterns), it seems that it reads nulls as Solid line patterns (just guessing). There is also a bimorph node that creates line patterns and it defaults to Solid/null. Maybe there is something to that? I wouldn’t know how to test it.