Is there a way to report in a list of ironpython 2.7 in dynamo node this error message that might appear in a node when trying to get geometry that is quite far or big from internal origin point of Revit or some other reason?
I mean to read this error if happens in an output list instead of looking inside dynamo graph what happened?
I tried using trying block try-except in functions in full script but it seems it is a warning/error from dynamo but not from script itself? although the script node did not throw any error or null result, the result was as defined in output OUT but did not execute the task as expected because this dynamo error.
Warning: Your inputs lie outside of the allowable modeling range, consider choosing the Extra Large setting with a modeling range between 1 and 100,000,000 from the “Settings => Geometry Working Range” dialog
I tried to change to Extra Large, but causes error in other part of code node which fails because says error points are likely coincident, but they are not, just is how dynamo read them, although with setting Large range it works, but other part of code asks for extra large range geometry settings