Replace Vertical Baseline for Multiple Corridors

Hi Everyone,
Am facing an issue , I have multiple corridors(more than 1000) and design profiles changed with suffix (_DP_V02) and added to alignments new version from design profiles as V02
All corridors are reading old design profile with suffix (_DP_V01)

1-How can we replace all vertical baseline for all corridors with the updated one with suffix(_DP_V02)?

This problem can be fixed if we have direct solution to replace old design profile with updated profile. But if we couldn’t so i have another idea to create new alignment from existing alignment but the problem when i convert alignment to polyline give me object handle (ID)
Check dynamo script

2-How to convert object handle to polyline direct to use it directly in the node of create alignment by polyline.
old_updated Design profile

Drawing2.dwg (4.1 MB)
Convert Alignments to Polylines_TEST.dyn (32.5 KB)

There is a way to select an object by handle in Civil3D Toolkit.